Those who are confined to their homes or care facilities are kept connected to the Cathedral through weekly visits by a Eucharistic Minister for prayer and Communion. Two or three times a year a priest accompanies the Eucharistic Minister to administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Please inform the Visitation to Homebound Office if you or your loved ones would like to be on the list for these visits. Also, inform the Visitation Office when a parishioner is hospitalized, so they may receive visits and if necessary the Sacrament of Anointing.
Sr. Bernadette Pederson coordinates this ministry and welcomes parishioners who would like to participate in this ministry by becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the homebound.
To reach Sr. Bernadette call the office at (509) 358-4290 or email [email protected].